SGSAH Doctoral Researcher Committee Terms of Reference 2023/24

Updated February 2023


The Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities has established doctoral researcher representation as part of our governance structure to ensure that we are relevant and responsive to the needs of our stakeholders, as well as working to shaping the future of doctoral research training across the arts and humanities in Scotland.

Doctorial researcher representatives must be a full or part time doctoral researcher in arts and humanities at one of the seventeen SGSAH member HEIs (see Terms of office will be for one year in the first instance but may be renewed annually for up to three years in total. Existing DRC members may extend their term beyond PhD submission as alumni for 1 year.  

All positions are unremunerated; however, SGSAH will cover all approved associated out of pocket expenses (e.g., costs associated with attending in person meetings, including childcare, etc. See carers policy

Representatives will have the opportunity to participate in aspects of the SGSAH training programme and will be expected to work with their peers and our partners to build effective research communities to support doctoral researchers. See link for details of our governance structure. 

Purpose of Doctoral Researcher Representation

  • To ensure that doctoral researchers have an active voice and agency within SGSAH
  • To bring new perspectives to enhance the PhD experience all arts & humanities PhD researchers in Scotland
  • To represent viewpoints and ideas of PhD researchers in the arts & humanities in Scotland
  • To better understand and appreciate the needs of arts & humanities PhD researchers in Scotland and stakeholders by working together

Doctoral researcher representation comes under five headings:

  1. Doctoral Researcher Committee (2 positions representing each HEI). Executive Committee, Equality Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Discipline + Catalyst and Knowledge Exchange Hub representation will be derived from the overarching Doctoral Researcher Committee
  2. SGSAH Executive Committee (2 positions, 1 SGSAH funded Student, 1 non-funded) These student members will also be co-Chairs of the Doctoral Researcher Committee
  3. Equality Diversity and Inclusion Committee (2 positions, 1 SGSAH funded, 1 non-funded)
  4. Discipline + Catalysts (2 positions per catalyst: 1 SGSAH Funded, 1 non-funded)
  5. Knowledge Exchange Hubs (2 positions per hub: 1 SGSAH Funded, 1 non-funded)


1. SGSAH Doctoral Researcher Committee (DRC) Representative Role

Responsibilities of the role:

  • Communicate and interact with peers to ensure their views are represented throughout SGSAH
  • Bring a new perspective to SGSAH ideas and programmes, including proposing, developing and delivering training events
  • Inform SGSAH strategies on doctoral research training
  • Provide feedback to the Executive Committee on doctoral training issues including supervision, collaborative provision etc.
  • Seek the views from PhD researchers in arts & humanities across Scotland on current and planned training opportunities
  • Support development and delivery of student led events
  • Communicate with PhD researchers in arts & humanities in Scotland about forthcoming training and events
  • Attend 3 DRC meetings per annum, one of which will be in-person, with updates shared with the SGSAH Executive Committee.

Members of the Doctoral Researcher Committee will also communicate and engage with other SGSAH committees and staff from across Scotland, informing decisions on strategy and funding for the Graduate School.


Each SGSAH HEI should have two Doctoral Researcher Committee members, to allow for wide representation, as well as substitution and sharing of workload.

Time commitment

Committee members are expected to commit approximately half a day per month towards DRC work, this includes 3 general DRC meetings per annum, one of which will be in person. Other extraordinary meetings may be held at the request of the committee.

2. SGSAH Executive Committee (2 positions)

Responsibilities of the role:

The Executive Committee steers our strategic direction and has representation from each of our 17 HEI members. The Executive members, comprised of Deans of Graduate Studies or equivalent, are advocates for SGSAH within and beyond their own HEIs.

The Executive Committee should have 2 PhD student members, who will also be co-Chairs of the Doctoral Researcher Committee. Responsibilities of the role includes:  

  • Representing PhD researchers in arts & humanities in Scotland to ensure that they have a voice and ownership of the SGSAH
  • Influencing and reviewing strategy and policy
  • Ensuring effective communication between PhD researchers, consortium HEIs, and staff
  • Influencing monitoring and evaluation processes and outcomes
  • Contributing to the approval process of recommendations from other committees
  • Contributing to annual reports to the SGSAH Board, the AHRC and the SFC; and support the Director and Head of Operations & Strategy.


Two Doctoral Researcher Executive Committee members to allow for substitution and sharing of workload: one from a DTP HEI and one from a SGSAH non-DTP HEI member.

Time commitment

Committee members are expected to commit approximately half a day per month towards committee work which includes attending 3 Executive meetings per annum.

3. SGSAH Equality Diversity and Inclusion Committee (2 positions)

Responsibilities of the role:

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC) is a Committee overseeing the SGSAH’s implementation of its EDI action plan. This activity includes compliance with its equality and diversity obligations, most recently set out within the Equality Act 2010.

EDIC DRC Members will represent the voice of the PhD researchers by:

  • Supporting development of an active EDI Committee
  • Attending EDI Committee meetings
  • Providing input to the SGSAH’s EDI action plan and widening access activities 
  • Contributing to reviews and dissemination of SGSAH’s Equality, Diversity and Widening Access strategic projects and associated policies and action plans
  • Helping to identify and review specialist training or relevant events that could be included within SGSAH’s training plans 
  • Engaging with students and academic staff
  • Ensuring effective communication between students, consortium HEIs, and staff


Two Doctoral Researcher Executive Committee members to allow for substitution and sharing of workload: one from a DTP HEI and one from a SGSAH non-DTP HEI member.

Time commitment

Committee members are expected to commit approximately half a day per month towards committee work which includes attending 3 EDIC meetings per annum.

4. SGSAH Discipline + Catalyst Committee Members (2 positions per Catalyst)

Responsibilities of the role:

SGSAH Discipline+ Catalysts plan and deliver ongoing training events that draw on and speak to disciplinary expertise and innovation across our 17 HEI members. To support the pursuit of knowledge and advancement of disciplines, Catalysts offer methodological and thematic training at the leading edges of arts and humanities and drive cross- and interdisciplinary collaborations with sciences and social sciences.

Discipline + Catalyst DRC Members will represent the voice of PhD students by:

  • Supporting development of an active, sustainable and trusted network 
  • Attending catalyst planning and review meetings

Contributing to the development of an annual training plan

  • Helping to identify and review specialist training or relevant events that could be included within the catalyst’s annual training plan 
  • Contributing to the annual review of overarching catalysts activity 
  • Engaging with students and academic staff from the discipline within their HEI


Two Doctoral Researcher Discipline+ Catalyst members per catalyst, to allow for substitution and sharing of workload. (Total of 22 positions across the catalysts)

Time commitment

Committee members are expected to commit approximately half a day per month towards committee work and attend at least 1 meeting per annum.

5. SGSAH Knowledge Exchange Hubs Committee (2 positions per KE Hub)

Responsibilities of the role:

The SGSAH’s KE Hubs generate connections between doctoral researchers in arts and humanities, society and the economy by delivering industry-focused events and supporting work-based learning opportunities within a UK and international context. Each Hub has a different focus ensuring that students of all disciplines will have access to partnership working and collaboration beyond the academy.

We have 3 Knowledge Exchange Hubs:

  • Citizenship, Culture and Ethics: external partners include the British Council, Scottish Parliament and the Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector
  • Creative Economies: external partners include BBC Scotland, Creative Scotland, Interface, and the V&A
  • Heritage: external partners include National Trust for Scotland, Built Environment Forum Scotland, Historic Environment Scotland, Museums Association, National Museums of Scotland, Scottish Library and Information Council.

Knowledge Exchange Hub Member will represent the voice of students by:

  • Supporting development of an active, sustainable and trusted network 
  • Attending KE Hub planning and review meetings
  • Contributing to the development of an annual training plan
  • Helping to identify and review specialist training or relevant events that could be included within the Hub’s annual training plan 
  • Contributing to the annual review of overarching Hub activity 
  • Engaging with students and academic staff from the discipline within their HEI
  • Connecting our doctoral researchers meaningfully with a range of national and international organisations beyond the academy.


Two Doctoral Researcher members per Hub, to allow for substitution and sharing of workload. (6 positions in total)

Time commitment

Committee members are expected to commit approximately half a day per month towards committee work and attend at least 1 meeting per annum.


Download a PDF version of the SGSAH DRC Terms of Reference: SGSAH Doctoral Researcher Committee Terms of Reference 2023/24 (174KB)