Creative Economies Hub

three juxtaposed photographs: artists paints, a microphone and an embroidered shawl

SGSAH’s Creative Economies Knowledge Exchange Hub facilitates modes of partnership-based research in the creative economies. This is characterised in Scotland by large numbers of small and medium enterprises and Artist-Run Initiatives, as well as major industrial and cultural institutions. We develop entrepreneurial capacity and innovation in the research community, pursuing projects in the Plastic and Expressive Arts, Architecture, Design, Comics, Gaming, Film, Transmedia, Digital Arts and Publishing.

We work closely with BBC Scotland to offer valuable skills development and knowledge exchange opportunities for doctoral researchers. This relationship is of significant mutual benefit in developing increased understanding of the application of research within broadcast programme production, and employment within BBC, the independent production sector, and the creative economy as a whole.

Our relationship with the Victoria & Albert Museum, the world’s leading museum of art, design and performance, supports the development of the next generation of collections-based researchers, helping to prepare them for careers in academia and beyond. This is complemented by the position of our member universities of Dundee and Abertay as founding partners of the V&A Museum of Design Dundee.

The Hub unites the considerable assets in Creative Economy research of the University of Dundee, Abertay University, Glasgow School of Art, and the University of Edinburgh, and supports Creative Economies PhD students and Engagement Fellows, funded through the Arts & Humanities Research Council.

Doctoral internships with BBC Scotland, Creative Scotland and others are helping build transferable skills while bringing tangible benefits to host organisations, fostering entrepreneurial and enterprising ways of thinking to prepare doctoral researchers for creative careers.

To sign up to hear more about the work of the Creative Economies Hub and its events, click here.

Creative Economies Hub Members

  • Dr Jacqueline Donachie, Fellow in Creative Economies in Art and Design at University of Dundee; (Hub Lead)
  • Clive Gillman, Director of Creative Industries, Creative Scotland; (Industry Partner)
  • Oliver Cox, Head of Academic Partnerships, V&A London; (Industry Partner)
  • Luke McCullough (acting member) Head of Corporate Affairs and Public Policy, BBC Scotland; (Industry Partner)
  • Dr Gary Kerr, Edinburgh Napier University (Advisory group academic Member)
  • Dr. Michael Kho Lim, University of Glasgow (Advisory group academic Member)
  • Martina Saric, University of Glasgow (Doctoral Researcher Committee Rep)
  • Marlene Zijlstra, University of the West of Scotland (Doctoral Researcher Committee Rep)