KE Hubs: Contact Information

SGSAH’s Knowledge Exchange (KE) Hubs build connections between doctoral researchers in arts and humanities, society and the economy. They deliver industry-focused training events in collaboration with our industry partners across the creative arts, heritage and third sectors.

All KE Hubs welcome contact with fresh ideas for training and scope for collaboration. If you have an idea you feel would be best suited to the KE Hubs, please contact your relevant member via the drop downs below.

CCE Hub Members

Citizenship, Culture & Ethics Hub

  • Dr Catherine Spencer, Senior Lecturer in Art History, University of St Andrews (Hub Lead)
  • Prof Karin Friedrich; Chair in Early Modern History, University of Aberdeen (Deputy Lead)
  • Harish Lokhun, Head of Education, British Council Scotland (Industry Partner)
  • Anna Fowlie, Chief Executive of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (Industry Partner)
  • Ailsa Burn-Murdoch, Senior Researcher, Scottish Parliament (Industry Partner)
  • Karen MoncrieffDirector of HR, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (Industry Partner)
  • Dr Gavin Miller, Reader in Contemporary Literature and Medical Humanities, University of Glasgow (Advisory group Member)
  • Dr. Marianne McAra, Creative Engagement Research Fellow, Glasgow School of Art (Advisory group Member)
  • Marco Ruggieri, University of Edinburgh (Doctoral Researcher Committee Rep)
  • Sushant Setia, University of Strathclyde (Doctoral Researcher Committee Rep)
  • Irene Ros, University of Edinburgh (Doctoral Researcher Committee Rep)

Heritage Hub Members

  • Professor Siân Jones, Professor of Heritage, University of Stirling (Hub Co-Lead)
  • Dr Rosie Spooner; Lecturer in Heritage Practitioner Engagement, University of Glasgow (Deputy/Co-Lead)
  • Michael Terwey, Head of Collections and Exhibitions, National Trust for Scotland; (Industry Partner)
  • Ailsa Macfarlane, Director, Built Environment Forum Scotland; (Industry Partner)
  • Dr Adam Jackson, Head of Strategy and Policy, Historic Environment Scotland (Industry Partner)
  • Gillian Findlay, President, Museums Association; (Industry Partner)
  • Andrea Cop, Research & Academic Liaison Manager, National Museums of Scotland; (Industry Partner)
  • Sarah Taylor, Senior Research Fellow, Edinburgh Napier (Advisory group Member)
  • Dr Aude Le Guennec, Research and teaching Fellow, Glasgow School of Art (Advisory group Member)
  • Dr Chiara Bonacchi, Senior Lecturer in Heritage, University of Edinburgh (Advisory group Member)
  • Holly Richards, University of Edinburgh (Doctoral Researcher Committee Rep)

Creative Economies Hub Members

  • Prof Judit Bodor, Fellow in Curatorial Practice, DJCAD, University of Dundee (Hub Lead)
  • Dr Michael Johnson, Innovation School, Glasgow School of Art; (Deputy Lead)
  • Clive Gillman, Director of Creative Industries, Creative Scotland; (Industry Partner)
  • Oliver Cox, Head of Academic Partnerships, V&A London; (Industry Partner)
  • Dr Jen Baillie, Research Manager, V&A Dundee; (Industry Partner)
  • Luke McCullough (acting member) Head of Corporate Affairs and Public Policy, BBC Scotland; (Industry Partner)
  • Dr Gary Kerr, Edinburgh Napier University (Advisory group Member)
  • Dr. Michael Kho Lim, University of Glasgow (Advisory group Member)
  • Katja Martin, University of Edinburgh (Doctoral Researcher Committee Rep)
  • Martina Saric, University of Glasgow (Doctoral Researcher Committee Rep)
  • Marlene Zijlstra, University of the West of Scotland (Doctoral Researcher Committee Rep)