SGSAH Coronavirus (COVID 19) Update
Published: 16 March 2020
An update for our doctoral researchers regarding the Coronavirus (COVID 19) outbreak.
SGSAH Coronavirus (COVID 19) Update 16 March 2020
The Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities (SGSAH) has been closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and liaising with our funders and partners to ensure we can respond to the latest advice and public health guidance. Our priority is the health and wellbeing of our community.
If you are one of our doctoral researchers and have questions regarding how COVID-19 will affect your research, we would ask that you consult your supervisors and HEI for advice in the first instance. We will communicate with you directly about any change in circumstances in our delivery that will affect our provision (e.g. of training events, funding applications.)
We will work to ensure that our doctoral research and partners are not disadvantaged by the current situation.
Public health advice can be found at: Coronavirus (COVID-19) on NHS Inform.
We will continue to monitor and update information about our delivery as the situation evolves.
Should you have any further questions please contact
For the latest update, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions Page about COVID-19.
First published: 16 March 2020
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