SGSAH 10 Year Anniversary
Welcome to the SGSAH 10 Year Anniversary section of the SGSAH website. This section is for anyone interested in taking part in any of the celebratory events we have planned for 2024 to congratulate and celebrate 10 years of the Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities!
Here you can find details of our official Anniversary party, opportunities to take part in our 10 year anniversary Research Showcase, and submit your success stories to be potentially featured in our 10 year anniversary film!

SGSAH 10 Year Review 2014-24
Welcome to the 2014-24 SGSAH 10 Year Review. Take this opportunity to read about our developments, activities and achievements from over the past 10 years. These include creative & collaborative work from our doctoral community and international scholars, external partners, staff additions and an array of in-person and online events.To celebrate SGSAH's 10 year anniversary, the DRC is making a PhD student playlist curated for and by studnets. We're looking for your favourite study and your favourite party song for the SGSAH Party and Study Playlist!