University of Edinburgh

‘And I will put my Spirit in you’: Contemporary Accounts of the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit in Dialogue with Issues of Human Nature

Academic History:

2009-2013: MA Honours in Modern History & Theology (1st class)

2013-2014: Masters in Theological Studies (Distinction) 


Prof. David Fergusson

Research Interests:

My research is in the role, importance & concept of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. What does it mean when Christianity claims that the Spirit of God resides inside human persons & communities? I’m interested in different ways this idea has been understood historically, is currently understood in the context of our scientific intellectual context. What I find particularly interesting is the way this topic touches upon issues surrounding ideas of personhood, imago Dei, & religious epistemology.

Previous Research Projects:

The Epistemological Relevance of the Holy Spirit (Master’s Thesis for St Andrews University) 


2015-2018: AHRC DPT Studentship


  • 2012/13 University of St Andrews Deans’ List
  • 2012/13 University of St Andrews Gray Prize
  • 2012/13 University of St Andrews Samuel Rutherford Prize


‘Two Accounts of Scientific Trinitarian Theology: Comparing Wolfhart Pannenberg’s & T.F. Torrance’s Theological Methodology’ in Heythrop Journal, first published online: 18 July 2014, DOI: 10.111/heyj.12208

‘Spirit & Science: A Critical Examination of Amos Yong’s pneumatological use of emergence theory, accepted into Open Theology & presented at the ISSR (International Society for Science & Religion) annual conference in Vienna 2015. Co-written with Mikael Leidenhag.

First published: 31 August 2015