SGSAH British Council EARTH Scholarship Scheme 2025

Cluster 2: 3Ms: Making, Method and Multispecies

HEIs: University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier University, Glasgow School of Art, Heriot Watt University & Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Academic Leads: Co-Leads: Dr Emily Alder (Edinburgh Napier University) and Dr Mark Hilley (University of Edinburgh)

Cluster 2 will prioritise applications of high quality and originality that address the strength of Edinburgh research in three broad areas: Making, Method and Multispecies.

Making captures our long tradition of creative practice (from art, film, writing, performance, curating, gaming and beyond). Method foregrounds methodological diversity within the arts and humanities and also looks to learn from wider approaches in the social and environmental sciences, as well as considering issues of fieldwork, globalism/localism, communication, data, representation and exchange across the academic-public-political boundaries. Multispecies questions boundaries of animal-plant-fungal life, tackles issues of equality and justice, multisensorialism, extractivism, posthumanism, deep time, archaeology and heritage beyond the human alone.

The cluster delivers training through key existing research projects and centres including (but not limited to) The Edinburgh Environmental Humanities Network, The Institute of Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Humanimal Kind, The CRITIQUE Reading Group, British Animal Studies Network, The Edinburgh Futures Institute, Fossil-Fuel.ed

The wide range of Scottish sector partners and potential sites for research placements include Creative Scotland, Creative Carbon Scotland, Little Sparta, Fife Contemporary, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, The Barn, The Scottish Poetry Library.

The cluster also commits to providing cross-cluster training where possible, and to hosting a cohort-wide networking or programme event hosted by Hospitalfield, Cove Park, Talbot Rice Gallery, etc. 

Cluster 2 welcomes all applications of high quality and originality. We are particularly interested in ones that align with our strengths in three broad areas: Making, Method and Multispecies. Members of the cluster are participants in the following research centres and creative practice groups and projects:

Edinburgh Environmental Humanities Network (Edinburgh)

Cove Park (West of Scotland)

Climate House / Royal Botanic Garden of Edinburgh (Edinburgh)

Talbot Rice Gallery (Edinburgh)

Little Sparta (South Lanarkshire)

The Barn (Deeside)

Edinburgh Futures Institute (Edinburgh)

Humanimal Kind (Edinburgh)

CRITIQUE Reading Group (Edinburgh)

SHARE (Science, Humanities and Arts Research Exchange) 

Art-Making in the Anthropocene

RASCAL (Research on Animal Songs in Culture, Art and Literature)

The research areas include:

Creative practice (visual art, film, writing, performance, curating, gaming)

Ecocritical methodologies (arts and humanities methodologies; hybrid approaches including the social and environmental sciences; fieldwork; globalism/localism; communication; data; knowledge exchange across; political ecologies)

Multispecies approaches (critical animal-plant-fungal studies; equality and justice; multisensorialism; extractivism; posthumanism; deep time; archaeology and heritage beyond the human)