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The Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities (SGSAH) has been awarded £100,000 from the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) to fund research collaborations between Scotland and Europe through a series of research exchanges, with researchers travelling from Europe to Scotland, and from Scotland to Europe.

The exchanges will enable PhD and early career researchers (ECRs) to benefit from a concerted period of time spent in another country, working with a mentor and accessing the networks and resources of a host institution. The scheme will further the activity of SGSAH’s Global Scholar and International Summer School developments, and will generate significant ongoing benefit through its emphasis on cultural interchange, research excellence, post-Brexit employability, the creative and heritage economies, environmental sustainability and social justice. 

The exchanges will take place in 2022, and as well as in-person exchanges based at a host HEI, will also include an in-person, hybrid and online cohort development programme to nurture PhD and ECR perspectives, skills and qualities. The exchange researchers will also have the opportunity to showcase their work through SGSAH’s new online research showcase, and participate in the 2022 SGSAH International Summer School. 

The award recognises international research excellence in the Arts & Humanities, and SGSAH’s capacity to develop and support new approaches to addressing global challenges through increased mobility between European partners. The exchange scheme will be structured around SGSAH’s Strategic Themes and Priority Areas: Modern Languages; Celtic Languages and Studies; Creative Industries/Economies; Cultural and Heritage Studies; Environmental Humanities; and Equalities, Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice. 

Click here for further details of the application process. 

First published: 23 September 2021

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